Simple Fish Dish

Not really sure how to describe it. It's just fish, really. But it tastes good, so that's good, right?

What you'll need

Making the Food

Chop the onion up really really small. Put it in the pan with some oil. Cook it on low until it starts to turn transparent.

Peel and cut up the garlic whatever size you like. Put it aside.

Add the fish. Just plop it on top of the onion. Stir everything around a bit. Flip it over occasionally Raise the heat to medium.

When you feel ready, add salt and pepper and lemon juice and garlic and cajun. Just sort of sprinkle it on. However you like. Keep stirring.

When you feel in your heart that the fish is done cooking (I'm Nova Scotian, I don't pay attention, I just know) give everyone a whack of fish and onion. They'll like it, I promise. If they don't, I don't care.

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